Thursday, May 19, 2011

[Blog] Incurable

An old friend of mine wrote me today saying: "It's insulting for you to say that you think you know how to cure cancer. You've actually offended me."

I just smiled sadly. We're all so used to this pill-pushing, slave-making, consumerism-commercial society of sheep that the majority of folks believe that if western doctors say it is "incurable" than it is. And if the news says it is "incurable" than it is. It's heart-breaking at times.

I wrote the friend back:

It's a whole system of things to replenish the body from the inside out.

No chemical lotions, no chemical soaps, no lab-made food, no chemical cleaners, no toxic laundry detergents, etc, etc.

Lots of fresh air, plenty of exercise, tall glasses of fresh organic juice consisting of sprouts, greens and fresh fruits, preferably all freshly picked for highest enzyme activity. Also it's important to use a juicer that smashes the greens, not one that cuts them. Smashing preserves a lot of important elements that cutting destroys.

There are movies about it, books on the topic, and I've met countless people in person now who all know this same truth. Cancer survivors who lived not just a year, or two afterwards, but forty years or more afterwards without relapse.

It takes a complete natural approach. Even mental aspects must be addressed. If someone is sick in their heart (emotionally), then they may not be able to heal through food, exercise and extraction from a chemical lifestyle. Toxic thoughts are toxic to the body.

I'm not just spouting this as some random assumption, or because "so-and-so said so." Markus Rothkranz cured his father of cancer. The Gerson Institute and the Hippocrates Health Institute have been curing people of cancer for decades now. You'll read articles that say "there is no proof" or that "the patients who are supposedly cured don't exist" and yet documentaries actually go and talk to past patients and show the medical records.

There are hundreds of books on how to heal cancer by healing the entire body. If the entire body is being given what it needs then the body heals itself of all problems.

Do you remember how I could barely walk to Delaware Park and back? How I was dragging my feet and in a lot of pain during the walk back? I now walk to the Lexington Co-op almost daily and walk back carrying groceries like it's nothing. I would have been exhausted by that simple walk at any point in my life previous to becoming a raw vegan. Eliminating some of the junk from my diet as I did at 17 helped, but there is so much more that can be done aside from just eating less toxins.

You can't put someone in a radiation chamber repeatedly and tell them they are going to die no matter what and expect them to be in a frame of mind where they can heal. That's absurd. While people who do chemo therapy usually die anyway within five years at the most, people who heal naturally become healthier than they were before they had the cancer and stay that way and live long, healthy, happy lives and generally become an inspiration to many other people.

I really honest-to-goodness wish that someone would hand me twenty people with terminal cancer and ask me to cure them. It would be so gratifying to actually be a part of the solution like so many people I've met. It's amazing what some people are doing, and it's amazing how little media it gets.

There is this woman Toni I know in Buffalo -- she lives just a few blocks away from me with her husband. They're both raw vegans. They bike everywhere. They are both fit and healthy and gardening and building things and always smiling and happy. They enjoy life more than most people I've ever met. Both of them used to have serious health problems, and now, in their 70s, with grey hair, they no longer have health problems. They're more fit, active and happy than most people I know in their teens and twenties.

I haven't met any cancer survivors in Buffalo in particular, but I have not been networking the raw-vegan community of Buffalo for very long yet, and also, the Bay area around San Fransisco had hundreds and hundreds of raw vegans, whereas Buffalo has a handful of actual raw vegans and then about a couple hundred people who are "dabbling" with it.

But it's really not just the food. The food is a gateway to an overall healthier lifestyle.

Since both you are so active and because you eat a higher quality than most, you're not likely to ever "need" something so "extreme" to conquer your health, but a complete lifestyle change does work. And it works for everything -- diabetes, cancer, dementia, arthritis, migraines, ADHD, manic depression, chronic digestive issues, IBS, Candida, etc, etc, etc -- the same system works. This was first proven in America in the early 1900s, and it's been proven in other countries even earlier. I've been researching this for years, and been part of a community full of survivors of all kinds of "incurable" things for a year while in California. I'm not just making this up.

It's not some quacky conspiracy theory. The more I learn about it on scientific level the more it just sounds like common sense.

Anyway, I don't expect you to believe any of this, and that's fine, you're not in a position where you need to be convinced. My brother, on the other hand, is falling apart, and he's only 40. I had a serious talk with him today about the science behind a lot of different processes that take place during digestion of various foods. To my surprise, he seemed interested in the information, and said he was willing to try making baby steps towards my lifestyle.

Roy is having hard time denying that my new regime is effective. My mom has lost 15lbs since I moved back in. I have been giving her tips and making her fresh juice and salads. She's far from eating a raw vegan diet currently, but just the small changes are making a difference.

My mom reports that the more spinach she eats, the less her arthritis bothers her. Also, everyone who grew up with me is amazed in the change of my level of energy and endurance. I would have never been able to shovel heavy clay-laden dirt for five hours at a time in the bright sunshine a couple years ago. And I don't even wake up sore the next day.

I could sit here looking up a bunch of references to cancer survivors, testimonials, and the related, but I'm going to put together a data-base with my new research group fairly soon anyway and I can send you a link when it's up.

~ Raederle

I don't expect the letter to change his mind, but hey, you do what you can, when you can. There are plenty of open minded people out there who need help and who want help and who will accept help when they find it. It is that group of people I need to be there for. I look forward to having my own small establishment of healing some day.

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